Kungyokudo is a renowned incense company based in Japan, known for its high-quality incense products crafted using traditional methods for over 400 years. Founded in Kyoto in 1594, Kungyokudo has a long history and a deep appreciation for Japanese incense...
Kungyokudo is a renowned incense company based in Japan, known for its high-quality incense products crafted using traditional methods for over 400 years. Founded in Kyoto in 1594, Kungyokudo has a long history and a deep appreciation for Japanese incense culture.
The name "Kungyokudo" translates to "The Palace of Eternal Music," reflecting the company's commitment to creating incense blends that evoke a sense of tranquility and harmony. Kungyokudo's incense is meticulously crafted from natural ingredients, including aromatic woods, resins, spices, and herbs, sourced from around the world.
Kungyokudo offers a wide range of incense blends, including sandalwood, aloeswood, floral, and herbal fragrances. Each blend is carefully formulated to create a unique olfactory experience that can uplift the spirit, promote relaxation, and enhance meditation practices.
For those interested in exploring Japanese incense but unsure where to begin, Kungyokudo is a superb choice. In our Kungyokudo collection, we carry a wide range of aromatic incense sticks from the brand in scents such as sakura, ume red plum, matcha, and more. Discover the world of Kungyokudo incense and have their products delivered straight to your door from Japan today.
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Kungyokudo Japanese Incense Kitano Red Plum Blossom 60 Sticks
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Kungyokudo Japanese Incense Daigo no Sakura Floral Cherry Blossom 60 Sticks
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Kungyokudo Japanese Incense Yaseno Lavender 60 Sticks